Hiya Becky,
Check out ERS999, an old buddy of mine heads up the company with offices in Southampton and Hereford.
Just have a look at the site and They cover everything to do with medicine whether in permissive or non-permissive environments. They also supply trained med personnel for jobs world wide, so just have a look and may be worth dropping them a line. Don't get what you don't ask for buddy!
Hope you are successful!! I'm just ready to leave now and looking myself so fingers crossed.
Regards Grecian01.
Check out ERS999, an old buddy of mine heads up the company with offices in Southampton and Hereford.
Just have a look at the site and They cover everything to do with medicine whether in permissive or non-permissive environments. They also supply trained med personnel for jobs world wide, so just have a look and may be worth dropping them a line. Don't get what you don't ask for buddy!
Hope you are successful!! I'm just ready to leave now and looking myself so fingers crossed.
Regards Grecian01.