Good afternoon,
I am interested in the position that you know about concerning a french speaker. Can I contact you on skype about the offer? My user name is nazxul.
Hello mate a bit late I know, I have BOSIET as well as MIST, and STCW95, SSO etc etc, Is the address you left on the forum still requireing CV's or are they full now?
Hi Boomer,
Just to drop you a line about the opportunity you posted. I'm a bit late I know. Was wondering if you have an e-mail address that I can forward my CV to if you have any future opportunities. I just left the RN and I'm available immidiatly.
Hi, I saw your advert for BOSIET qualified persons. I have tried to PM you but it wont let me. Do you have an email address I can contact you on?
I have some experience in the is field and will help where I can. Unfortunately, I'm fumbling my way around this site and finding it difficult to navigate my way through. Any advice would be appreciated.
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