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  • Hi, I have a fast ball for tonight in Paisley if you know anyone who may be interested please could you get them to ring me on 07968420882 and I will ring them back. The hours are 20:00 - 08:00 hrs and the pay is £8 p/h (paid within the week) for some routine work being done in a high street store. Regards, Lee
    hi, i have a fast ball for tonight and this weekend in Glasgow if you could help please ring me on 07968420882 and I will ring you back.

    kind regards

    lee Martin
    Hiya mate sorry took so long,been working hard,im currently with my partner in the southside but live in the sticks out by bridge of weir
    Hi there just put my marker on the map and noticed you where the closest to me. I stay in the East End Bridgeton/Dalmarnock area
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