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  • Dodger you do a great job mofderating a tricky site with some dumbFs. However why do people post jobs after the deadline. There was a post for a Somalia G4S job posted 21 Jan deadline was 18 Jan
    Hi there dodger,
    Had a couple of referals your way with regards to counter poaching employment.

    Can you help.

    Howzit, what you doing with a FGASA ticket mate? I'm interested to know and are you now based in UK?
    Thanks for the PM, glade to hear that i am not the only one that think so.I am also ex SF/SU,but as you say, it counts for nothing these day's.
    I have also worked for some people that have leas experience than me, but they respect my experience and will ask if need to know something.
    There are some men out there that have positions that they do not deserve and can not handle and refuse to listen to any advice.I had a trip out to the DRC with a group of Russians last year to do some oil/gas prospecting when we came under fire from unknown group, the TL literally shat himself. I think that it might be a good idea to look into starting my own Company. Will appreciate it when you hear something. Thanks mate.
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