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  • Hello HomerCPO, its nice to meet you, I'm coolhand, and have a question about SMS
    I'm doing my sia Badge and FPOS in the next few months and would like some professional contact in order to
    Get some work in, PSD CP High Risk, my c.v. is mostly in private security like G4S,
    When I get my sia Badge in cp and FPOS can I use you as a contact to put my c.v. in with SMS and do you think
    SMS would be any way interested in a new cpo trying to get in the door!
    coolhand, Dublin,

    I currently work for a security agency company called SMS, who are based in Aylesford, KENT.

    Contact Mark Smith on 01622791199 (office)

    Im not aware of a website.
    Hi,sorry but no if you mean this company
    SMS Security Inc. | Keeping Our Eyes Open For You
    luck bye
    Hi Ray,

    A Black cab is a definite must, especially if you are working London. They can stop, start, park up anywhere and shoot down the bus lanes - and there's millions of them so they won't stick out so easily!

    We have had a couple of cabbies on courses before that went on to do work in the city. Once they got their name about they have become quite busy down there.

    Hope this helps.

    Hi Homer,

    Nice to hear from you. Hope everything is going as well as it can be in Iraq. It's actually the wife that's looking to do the course at the end of the month. I'm doing investigation and occasional surveillance. We're both ex-police (GMP), and now work for ourselves. I'm actually doing the ISS surveillance course next week (I don't have any formal qualifications in this field yet). Give me a shout when you've topped up your tan. Cheers.

    Hi Homer

    could you PM when you have minute son
    or just tell me how to pm you


    Hi Homer it covers all the basic aspects of SV from driving to report writing to cameras

    i really advise you to call them on the number provided on there website or e-mail them i know nick and brian very well i also have help teach on the courses and worked on the ground for them on several SV tasks
    HI MATE, I AM DEFINATELY INTERESTED, I am doing ISS advanced and electronic SV course in feb so i am out march,but sounds like a good idea pal, i wouldnt mind doing the diploma too in the future. send me some details etc and i will send you my email and phone number by PM

    I found it a cracking course I have to be honest.

    There were plenty of guys on my course with similar backgrounds to yours; it really depends what area or skill set you want to develop and move into.

    It specifically teaches you the tasks relevant to conducting work as oposed to the theory of security; which I think is a good thing.

    Give Anubis a shout and speak with their TD, or check out the training/courses section of their website.

    If you then want to know anything specific, ask away....
    Thanks HomerCPO I'll certainly give them a try. I'm west of the province (very quiet and very very boring!!) lol
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