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  • Hello,
    We are a company that provides personnel of Latin American origin for high risk ops worldwide. Employing our men will allow you to significantly reduce your personnel budget allocation while maintaining a high level of successfully completed tasks.
    Please let us know if we can be of any service to you.
    Hi Bronson,

    I am replying to your email "Longshot", could you please provide a contact emailo address.
    I am SIA CP licenced and FPOS-I trained
    Hello Bronson.
    I am trying to reply to your post its a bit of a long shot, as i believe i have the crudentials that you are looking for.
    Please could you email me at leo.sayers@ymail.com the site will not let me post a response.

    Many Thanks
    Richard Sayers
    Hi mate sounds cool can I please have a contact e-mail or if you dont want to leave here please send to acg76@hotmail.com thanks for your time
    Arite bud,
    Good luck with the new venture, I'm in country at the moment back off rotation Dec time so ill fire you a cv over then if you want.
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