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  • I live in Motherwell, could you private message me the details for the Port Glasgow job please?

    Kind regards
    Hi , im looking for work, S.i.a close protection officer, Russian and English speaking, ex ukranian military.
    Fitness instructor and nutritionist, have a lot of experience in the corporate world. Please let me know if you hear anything, Thank you.
    Dear Sir,

    Could I enquire reference the Posted Employment for `Nato Joint Force Training Center Mentor.`

    I clicked on the continue arrow and this failed to provide details. Is this employment role still available, also can I receive further details.

    Best Regards,
    Please stop putting all sort of jobs in cp part of the forum, most of them have nothing to do with cp... Come on, if you REALLY want to share someof your findings then find extra 20 sec. to put them in the right place-or don't put them at all...
    REQUIRED-Female SURVEILLANCE/CP operator in London. Must have London local knowledge and preferably live in london. Details will start in May.
    Please send give me your Email I will contact you for CV Ect.
    LAST WARNING......
    You're advertising. This is a paid service. If you wish to advertise, then you need to set yourself up as a forum advertiser. There's even a button marked 'advertise' for that very reason.
    Be aware, that I will have no hesitation in banning you if you continue to post unauthorised adverts

    I am a South African living in UK doing some work in CP. Are you looking only for locally living people or are outside SA applicants welcome?

    Thank You

    Tyrel van Rensburg
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