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  • I was wondering if you could point me to some solid schools my friend. (I'd love to have a fraction of your resume.) So far I like Longmoor and their Hostile Environment Close Protection Training (HECPO), and I'm also considering Max Security Academy Counter-Terror Training. Both companies have the courses that I'd like to add to my resume, but what company would provide me with the best training (pain aside). I'd like to also not get repetitive as far as what I've already done and what traing I'd like to pursue in the future. It's a thought decision because I don't want to waste time, money, or hurt on anything not worth my while. What do you think?
    It is an honor to be friends with such an accomplished and funny as h e double hockey sticks guy like you. I love reading your posts, and I love the user name (cool reference).
    Dear OddJob, Ive not seen much in the way of posts by you on the forum recently, just want to see you are all right :)
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