Hi samson. Spend a lot of time in the philippines so I would be interested in knowing if there are many security companies out there marsec and cp that like to employ british. Thanks
Im trying to farm out my CV a bit, and was wondering if you new of any opening you way. IM Canadian... ya i know... canuck..:} i just finished working for URG and OSG in Afghanistan. Any assit would be great.
Hi Samson, If your still looking for IED Jammers, then please feel free to email me at shill@allen-vanguard.co.uk. Most of the UK based eqiupment is tightly regulated due to its advanced technology. If your friend is working for an established organisation then I may be able to help subject to UK licence.
My friend, off to Portugal for 3 weeks, Jeff will be sailing the boat on his own. good luck with the first aid. Hope to meet up with you on my return.
All the best
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