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  • Hi Stephen,

    I have ussed Direct Chauffeur Line before - pricey however they deliver when you have an accident! Which is only when you find out how good the companies are.

    I know Towergate have a good chauffeur package too.

    Also try Liverpool Victoria - shop around mate, get like for like quotes, its a buyers market out there!

    Hope to see you down to complete the course real soon.

    Kindest Regards

    Hi Stephen - Merry Christmas to you and I wish you all the best for 2011.

    As you know, I'm in Ayrshire but have the ability to travel should anything come up.

    My Mob is 07799112394. All the best and speak with you soon.

    Hello mate, live in Loughton so feel free to call or PM if you so wish, 07922523298, Tony, Surity Ltd.
    Hi, i am 5 minutes from Loughton, also have CP Licence. Please call me on 07775762696. Andy.
    Hi, I live about 45 mins away from Loughton and am free if your still looking?
    If so give me a call on 07824 705010

    Cheers jonathan
    Ps I have a CP licence
    Hi Mate,

    If you type "Nomad advice to new members" into the search bar you will find the same post/information there. The author is actually Nomad and not myself. I hope this is of some help to you.

    Kind Regards and Welcome!

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