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  • Splinter,
    ex security forces of 21 years interested in breaking into the industry fully qualified and licenced operative.could you send details re Maritime opportunities, regards Paul
    hello splinter,
    im a former royal marines commando ,who has served in afghanistan and iraq and has just completed my close protection course and waiting for my sia licence to come through.could you give me any tips please about getting the important foot in the door so to speak as im very keen to start a new career in the cp world .many thanks dean
    I am US paramedic with experience in Middle East, ground and flight paramedic, plus extensive instructor experience. Last assignment was in Saudi.
    Could you PM me the POC for this position
    Thank you
    caldwelltim80 "at"gmail.com
    Hello, Splinter.

    I am an ex US Special Forces Medical Sergeant and currently registered Paramedic. I have been working in Kurdistan and Iraq since 2004. My last contract was oil and gas in Kurdistan.

    Could you advise the POC to apply for this position? If needed: myasifa"at"hotmail.com

    Thanks in advance.
    Hi ....While you are at it ...Can you pass the addy for the job in Khurdistan as well Please .Would really appreciate it . Kind regards
    Tried to get hold of you for more information,but to no avail.How can i contact you in prvt.Thanxs
    Good day Splinter,
    hope you are well.
    I want to know if you can help me of knows some one who can help me.
    I am looking for a job.
    I am from South Africa and has 19 years experience as a police officer.I have experience in Hostage and suicide negotiator,Field training officer,Crime intelligence operative,SWAT,detective.I am seeking for any seecurity related job in any country.

    Hope to hear from you soon

    I have several years Oil and Gas security experience, Colombia, Sudan, Nigeria and have also worked extensively in ME. Former Brit Army, currently completing Certified Security Consultant course (completed TASK CP course several years ago). Please advise where to send CV
    Iv served five years and been a Nco for 3 of those, the main things iam trying to find out are what civilian courses would interest future employers and also if any liciences are required to work in the field as Iam completly new to the civilian surveilance world. Any info would be well recieved, many thanks.
    Hello Splinter,
    I hope you can help me here, ive decided to do the HE course with Longmoor later in the year but can you advise me on any other courses which will be beneficial to me and give me a significant advantage in employment?
    Thanks mate
    hi splinter i am very new to the cp trade . so do you work with finding work within the trade or are you just an advicer
    Hello Splinter
    I'm not an Ex-Marine but I have 3 years experience in Iraq(PSD,Static Security,Security Supervisor) and currently I'm working in Afghanistan as a PSD.Do you think that I could qualiffy for a position as a maritime security?
    Thank you!
    Hello Splinter,

    please can you give me more information about the database providing Maritime Security...thx
    Hi Splinter

    Have you any more info ref the Royal Marines required for the Company database providing Maritime security?

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