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  • Hi Stonecold, we are South and West. Let me know what your up to, perhaps we can liaise in country or UK on your return? Who are you with? I have some Mick's history, still have some good mates there! When were you out?
    Alright Stonecold sorry for delay in reply. I was in Mog on a recce for humanitarian aid supply company. I was in Micks 99-2004 had an uncle in when you were though.
    thought you guys were too busy to be bothered with us?? thanks for your message though.......helps aleviate the boredom!! silly this realy isnt it1

    have a great day

    Meneer, is you ok, i can like to hear from you sumtime ek se, got some news, looks like a may have a tour in aden via dubai, drop me a line when u r in contact,regards derick
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