Search results

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    Where is the best Evasive Driving Courses?

    Evasive Driving Query This might be too late a response. I'd like to recommend a course to you which might help; It is run by Speed Skills based in Hertfordshire. I did a course with them, and it has been very helpful VIP Protection Driving Training Their site has a YouTube link you...
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    Hi Joeydon, Unable to PM you. Strongly recommend a conversation with Nick McCarthy of Argus...

    Hi Joeydon, Unable to PM you. Strongly recommend a conversation with Nick McCarthy of Argus Europe. I'm happy to discuss further if you can find a way of contacting me. Good luck with your plans.
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    Issues photographing through y-reg ford transit windscreen

    Sounds like a curious problem... I've seen odd effects in video taken through heated windscreens at night, but not stills. If it was polarizing effects I might have expected a patchy/ repetitive pattern rather than blurring perhaps. You say you manually focus and that you have tried heated and...
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    Has anybody used the DENKO tracker

    Hi Phil, You're not the only one by a long stretch- but I will say that the tracker you bought is not a Denko...The waterproof pouch you bought IS. Whatever make tracker was in it is a mystery. I know you're talking about other matters here but for the sake of clarity to others 'Denko' is not...
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    Rossco92 Hi, What Dodger said... Please can you make a contact address/ number available via a...

    Rossco92 Hi, What Dodger said... Please can you make a contact address/ number available via a further post or something like that please? Regards, Chicken1
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    Sargie's TCSM enquiry

    In response to Sargie's request for information on a TCSM course he could take... I tried to reply to the thread but was unable to and therefore have started this new one which I hope is of use. It seems this company will run bespoke courses for a minimum of 4 people. I have not had dealings...
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    Anyone heard of this company, Technical Training?

    No, but why do you ask? Are you drawing attention to them for some reason? Are you thinking of doing a course with them? Best regards, Chicken1
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    Help required with NHS discipline case pls!

    I'm confused as to how a bed-manager can be accused of clinical/medical negligence. If I understand correctly that's not possible, so with respect, are the facts in your descrition correct? Obviously if she's been suspended that is not supposed to imply guilt. The reps are either the local...
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    Would you pass this guy, or work with him?

    I feel obliged to respond! Based on direct, painful experience that matches what you described (and then some) I would say no, absolutely not! I endured training with a similar/ worse character who somehow miraculously passed. He scraped by through being supported tactically by 'others'. The...
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    Hi Lepard, I am quite interested in the 'heritage' of LSS. Not for taking any action at all...

    Hi Lepard, I am quite interested in the 'heritage' of LSS. Not for taking any action at all but to help me personally understand the background of companies I might have dealings with in future. Background checks are not that easy to do on certain people in the surveillance world. I have had...
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    A Global Warming Protest

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    Global Warming Protest

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    Recession affecting work

    I must absolutely agree with Romark... CP work and Surveillance are both definitely affected by recession. It is absolutely wrong to be simplistic by saying that 'CP and Surveillance are required so they go ahead anyway’. Companies are penny-pinching, generally. Jobs that may require a certain...
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    The wrong lane? No, the best lane !

    Wow Rich H, That's a bit harsh of you! It's a good discussion starter, and if it does nothing else but get us to think of things like that then what harm does it do to start such a thread! Granted you are a very knowledgeable and highly experienced person but not everyone in this forum has the...
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    What the f###......!

    RCS Hi... It would be interesting to see what the outcome of the arrest is. Perhaps you can advise the forum on the law as it stands? I quote 'Wingnut'; The Army Act no longer exists, so I am not sure how far the case will go. I presume that prior to his arrest someone checked to see if it...
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    Outrageous Walt!!!

    What do you reckon to this? I am not in the least bit convinced. Who thinks he's bona fide? All the best guys...
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    Being followed in a supermarket

    Churchdown, Hi. It was interesting to read your comments. Funnily enough I noticed a certain Security Guard in Waitrose in NW London doing much the same to me. It is irritating, and I think from your perspective my advice would be to go and speak directly to the store Manager about the conduct...
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    Surveillance Kit

    Hi All, I mentioned it elsewhere too but this seems a good place as well; to say that this site belongs to a friend of mine... Covert and other surveillance kit; ************* If you mention my screen name you will get a discount on purchases from that site. Kind regards, Ad
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    Security and Surveillance Kit

    Dear All, I do hope it is OK to draw your attention to Lots of handy kit, and possible discounts if you mention my screen name too. This company belongs to a friend of mine Kind regards...
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    job search site

    Hi All, Jobs Oracle I hope this is a useful resource for searching out jobs. They are not CP related though may overlap with other skills you've gained. If you're already aware of the site from previous postings then my apologies... Best regards, Chicken1