Search results

  1. M

    help an advice

    Cheers Bubba, i meant the "press-up" position!!!!:D Good to talk to you and i very much appreciate both yours and Annie's efforts!
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    help an advice

    Wow! I kicked the hornets nest! Let's all calm down.... it's a while since i have been called a silly boy! it's not a regular occurrance for someone in my position but thank you Bubba for the novelty experience! I think my initial comment suggesting that perhaps the first response ref incorrect...
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    help an advice

    You need to get away! Just read your reply to someone else's request for advice. Obviously he made a mistake but it's not as if he left his ammo back at camp and just happened to mention it during a fire fight!!!!!! Perhaps you need to get out a bit more and chill out before you spontaneously...
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    CRG v Anubis

    Hi. please visit Reaching4Stars - Home page | high calibre ex military personnel to act as specialised extras for the TV and film industry. and All the best
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    CRG v Anubis

    Hi Spoman, Great to hear from you and thank you for your comments. I have completed three of the six modules for the MSc and arranged with Leicester to put it on hold while i complete the CSC. I guess that highlights my priority!! As i previously mentioned the MSc is obviously very acadamic and...
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    CRG v Anubis

    I have almost completed the Anubis CRC course, with just a final assignment to deliver. I attended both seminars prior to making my selection and Anubis delivered the superior presentation combined with a professional and approachable attitude. When i attended the CRG seminar, i was surprised to...
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    Reaching4stars new website

    Teranosab As i replied within three hours to your previous post on 13/12/08 we need your name as we cannot possibly id you from the name "teranosab". If you don't provide a name how can we be expected to assist?! We have a telephone system that redirects to the first available assistant, if...
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    Reaching4stars new website

    Please inform me what you are refering to when you post the accusation of "unanswered questions"....? My team and myself contact our applicants by both email and telephone to discuss any enquiry as soon as they are received.
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    Reaching4stars new website

    Reaching4stars Hi, teranosab, Thank you for your message and your comments ref website. I have instructed my admin team to address this issue. To ensure that your application is processed immediately would you kindly supply us with your full name and assure us that you have completed the...
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    need help with a contract

    Hi Beaulock, Thank you for your compliments on the site, it's much appreciated. Unfortunately some people on this forum do not share your views. It would be great to hear how you get on and if we can help in anyway please contact us as per website details. Best of luck to you
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    Reaching4stars new website

    Hi everyone, We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website: We provide ex military, the majority being ex or serving Royal Marines to the TV and Film Industry for specialised extras, military Advisors and On set coordinators. Our rapidly expanding database also...
  12. M

    Reaching4stars new website

    Hi everyone, We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website: We provide ex military, the majority being ex or serving Royal Marines to the TV and Film Industry for specialised extras, military Advisors and On set coordinators. Our rapidly expanding database...
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    List Not For Sale - It's Now Free

    Top list Hi Plains drifter, I would be extremely grateful for a copy of your list as we have just set up a company called Reaching4stars. We provide ex military for the film & Tv industry and also have a rapidly expanding database of CPO's. We are chasing contracts to secure employment for...
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    need help with a contract

    Hi Beaulock, Check out our website: We employ ex Marines and military for the film and tv industry and also have a rapidly expanding database of CPO's. We are currently chasing contracts ourselves. If we could assist let me know. Markpc
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    cp jobs in uk

    Hi, The "ex mil guys and girls" is a criteria for the specialised military extras and military advisors we provide to the tv and film industry. We welcome applications from both civilian and ex military CP / SIA individuals. Thank you for your comments ref our holding page. Our designers...
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    cp jobs in uk

    Hi Paul, Many thanks for your enquiry. We are chasing contracts nationally and abroad. If you require any further information please visit Tel: 0845 686 1664 email:
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    markpc Introduction on 16th November 2008

    Hi Yoda, Thank you for the welcome, much appreciated!
  18. M

    cp jobs in uk

    Reaching4stars Hi Paul, Thanks for your message. Sorry you could not find our website. We have just checked the address and it is working ok, perhaps your search engine is having a bad day. Please try again to see our holding page at The holding page describes our...
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    markpc Introduction on 16th November 2008

    Suggested introduction template is below Q. Do you represent a company? A. I represent Reaching4stars, a new and dynamic company that provides ex mil for the tv and film industry with a rapidly expanding database of CP and SIA licenced personnel. We are currently seeking security contracts...
  20. M

    cp jobs in uk

    Hi Mick, we are a new company of ex Royal Marines providing ex mil for the film and tv industry with a database of CP and SIA licenced personnel included for CP and event security. If interested please vsit for further information.