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  1. D

    New to the Circuit, any advice appreciated.

    Karl Work ethic....being brigade recce, underwater knife fighting instructor is all well and good but give me a grafter with the foundational skill set anytime over the perennial drippers that this industry seems to attract. It should be a given but in my experience its not. If you decide...
  2. D

    Spelling mistakes on your CV

    And often their position! Always seems to creep up a level....
  3. D

    Plate carrier in hostile environment.

    Numerous options available and a lot will depend on your type of work, personally i started with an England low profile set and i now use the plates and soft armour in a Mayflower plate carrier which for me works fine, i can wear under a shirt and not look too bulky (i am a skinny bugger) or...
  4. D

    Requirements for working Hostil Environment

    Thick skin, the patience of a saint and the ability to wear 10 hats on one head.
  5. D

    What accountants are people using?

    Dave Bird also, second Cbev's comments. Daz
  6. D

    Basra PDF Maps????

    PM me, i will send you PDF of southern region, route names and spots you can do yourself though! I will send you FV trace of route names etc.
  7. D

    Fpos mira atom gizzthrowers and any other fa course!!!

    Too many people scratching each others backs and recommending their mates from back in the days courses, not just in the med qual side of things either. Great post, first aid is first aid, you can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig.
  8. D

    FCO Contract Advice

    Paid leave eh? i'm a maths mong but i think thats somewhere around 43k a year? On a virtually risk free contract, government as well so no Iraqi tax, less hassle from ISF as again a government contract so no major dramas with licensing, vehicle,weapons and personnel paperwork, visa's should be...
  9. D

    FCO Contract Advice

    Mind you £120 a day for doing lengths of that pool isn't too bad.
  10. D

    Get your CVs ready!

    Sometimes i am glad there are so many retards in this industry, it makes me confident(ish!) that work will continue to be available for the 'Quiet Professional', egos and experts unfortunately abound throughout every sphere but this line of work takes the biscuit. Daz
  11. D

    ITS article

    Fog of War: How Would You Respond to an IED Detonation? : ITS Tactical
  12. D

    Ex and former SF?

    Have had the pleasure of working with a number of Reserve SF lads, maybe i was just lucky but all great guys with a dare i say it more 'rounded' experience than a regular could ever hope to attain, one owned a successful window fitting business and was according to others accounts a self made...
  13. D

    Dubai Drama's?

    Mate if you have a straight through flight (less than 8 hours connection) then you should be fine with stuff like holsters and pouches, PPE i have no idea about.
  14. D

    Iraqi visa

    A visa issued in Erbil may not cut the mustard at BIAP or BIA, you might want to check.
  15. D

    G4S Profits Tumble As They Come Under More Scrutiny But Win London Airports Contract

    It seems every airport i go through has G4s staff,have done UK,Europe,Middle East and Asia in the last month and have seen G4s liveried vehicles in every location.
  16. D

    Desert Road Security Iraq

    IMHO Stay with the big players especially if your a first timer, you may start at the bottom of the pile (OMFG!! but i was x,y,z super duper star ship trooper) but you will do so within a relatively (LOL) structured and established environment which will enable you to gain experience, contacts...
  17. D

    Why does everyone claim to be ex special forces?

    The more you know the less you need to show. Give me the low maintenance 'quiet professional' anyday. Strive to be the grey man, as was once said 'getting noticed is absolutely the last thing you want to do'. Just waiting for this to degenerate into a general slagging along nationalistic...
  18. D

    1,2 or 3 Para NOT 7 RHA 9 Sqn etc...

    Bloody hell Rich i would have been out now with a 22 pension this June! Thank god i chose another path! Would not wanted to have ended as bitter and twisted as Damina!! Hope your good mate, will be in proper comms soon. Daz
  19. D

    Has the Iraq MOI stopped issuing Visas ?

    Oh i have always been a picture of health at's when i get home that the wheels come off!
  20. D

    Has the Iraq MOI stopped issuing Visas ?

    There are indeed some Iraqi owned/partnership companies who don't have visa issues, then again there are some who do. A lot of it is to do with how much money you are willing to part with. It is a fact that you can as an individual with the right connections get a visa, last i heard straight...