Search results

  1. D

    Hi Veloy, sorry didn´t been online for a while on CPW, I have some contacts who maybe are to...

    Hi Veloy, sorry didn´t been online for a while on CPW, I have some contacts who maybe are to help you. Send me your email for more infos on Cheers Dirk
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    Very Secure Property for rent!

    And a good place to meet maybe some interesting people :-) Dacre Castle - Haunted Mansions Around the World But the Price is ok, I know other Castles where you paying much more...
  3. D

    Definitions of threat & risk

    Hi to everyone, on one point this thread is helpfull to discuss different meanings of the definitions of Threat and Risk Assessment, but do you think its helpfull to use this thread to start a fight against each other? This will not help to solve any Problems, firstly I suggest that both of you...
  4. D

    Please read...

    Hi Andy, I know how you feel and how you think, I lost my older brother in 2004 and I had the same feeling that something is wrong, but I didn´t realized how serious wrong it was. There is nothing you can change about the situation but you can change things for the future and allways keep your...
  5. D

    Best Bulletproof on the Market or is it??

    The Dragon Skin Vest had some issues during the testing in the pit in iraq, because of the weather conditions the material lost their steadiness. So far I know its not the best resolution for high risk areas like iraq or afghanistan. But maybe there are operatives here who know more about it. I...
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    Med Training

    Maybe contact Kevthemed here in the forum, he will for sure able to help you with infos. Bye Dirk
  7. D

    Med Training

    Hi Mike, try it with Global Tactical Medical Tactical Medical Care Cheers Dirk
  8. D

    How safe is your bodyarmour?

    Be carefull with vest called second chance, they get selled very cheap but they didn´t have any guarantee anymore. The german police exchanged 28000 of this vests since 2005 because a US police officer got killed in a gunfight, after they investigated why the vest didn´t saved his live they...
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    Best Bulletproof on the Market or is it??

    And you can test it with animals ... :confused: lol.... crazy people.... I like to test the product with my turtle... with my logo on it .....
  10. D


    Hi Para, I remember a tv documentation about preatoria, they have some missions in iraq and cooperating wit SABRE, but I didn´t have any further information, will see if I get the video somehow
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    facebook - I've found the ugliest person on there!

    Thanks mally, now I got it, sometimes germans are slower.... I will delete my account on FB ;-)
  12. D

    facebook - I've found the ugliest person on there!

    Hey mally, who??? I don´t see anyone, did you forget the link... :-)
  13. D

    CP Job opportunity in S. Korea

    No, heard nothing anymore, will be interesting to know if they found their team
  14. D

    International Bodyguard Association

    Lol, this is a good one, need to write it down and need to change my website :-)
  15. D

    Volunteer required who has experience with youtube

    Since when a german has any humor? :-) We taking anything serious and dind´t have time for jokes :-)
  16. D

    Forum get togther

    I think it will be a good idea, I will wear the red rose on my left breast pocket, codeword will be "the sun will shine tomorrow" :D answer "its rain again" :cool:
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    Hello to all, the IASP- International Associaiton of Security Professionals website is online. The goals of the association is to bring together the community across borders and develop a place for the security professional to acquire skills and knowledge for his everyday situations. The IASP...
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    Maritime Security Courses

    Depends on where the course need to be located, but try Maluco Tactical in Canada (Maluco Tactical Training) they offer maritime courses and working operative in that field.
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    Suspicious Behavior Could Indicate Terror Plotting (Article)

    Very interesting article and helpfull.
  20. D

    6 months CP contract international

    Yep, I´m sure this will be the best way to clear the situation.