Search results

  1. J

    Looking at starting a business within the industry...

    @TMAC - Thank you for such a detailed and informative reply - you have highlighted some points it's obvious I haven't considered and emphasises what a long way off I am from this! Your reply is immensely helpful however so thanks again. Joe
  2. J

    Looking at starting a business within the industry...

    Hello all, I'm looking at starting a company within the CVIT industry. I was hoping you could help me with my research? The questions I am after help with are, in my opinion, very general and have nothing to do with any specific operational information of any present CVIT operators - I'm...
  3. J

    jjl123 Intro

    Q. What area of the Security Industry are you interested in? A. Close Protection, Surveillance, CCTV, Security Guarding, CVIT. Q. Do you represent a company, if so whats the company name and your role? A. N/A Q. What do you hope to get from the forum? A. To help and be helped (excuse the...