Search results

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    Offshore medic courses

    Have a look at these based just outside Middlesbrough
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    I've been waiting for one of these for along time...

    Here is one on ebay for £3700 NEW - FLIR LS64 Thermal Viewer (layway plan available) | eBay
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    Best travel mug

    If your still undecided which mug to buy have a little read through this Best Travel Mugs 2012
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    Try these Surveillance Training - ISS Training Limited the owner is a member of this forum...

    Try these Surveillance Training - ISS Training Limited the owner is a member of this forum Peter Jenkins
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    importrepa Intro

    What's this criptic answers.
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    PSD Team Leaders

    15 PSD Team Leaders MIRA Qualified closing Date 11th October PSD Team Leader (MIRA Qualified) - Iraq - Iraq
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    Female look some advice on close protection course

    Here is the link NIBSSS Home
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    Also join cpw facebook page
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    Female look some advice on close protection course

    Try these as they are in Lisburn and are also members of this forum.
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    Christmas drinks

    Well that might depend on which of the 2 tier system you'll end up in. lol
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    Close Protection & Maritime

    These are taking cv's for Maritime security operators and Close protection officers. read the criteria before applying . Veritas :: Careers
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    Retail security job interview

    it goes with cream and strawberry jam
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    Two tier CP World

    What i would like to see is how many members login to cpw on a daily basis as it would be interesting to see how many of the 38,000 members use the forum. and as for a two tier system i thought we were all equal.
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    Retail security job interview

    If the security at Lidls up my way is anything to go by all you need to know is how to look scruffy stand with your arms folded and be able to talk to members of the staff. or and i forgot you must be overweight with a pot belly.
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    Syria or Iran

    Have a look on cpw facebook page i posted a link on there the other day for vacancies in Syria
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    HSP Security Officer International

    HSP Security Officer International its for Oxfam open ended contract Oxfam - Job Details
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    Security advisor for Oxfam in Mali

    This position is for a Security Advisor for Oxfam in Mali West Africa its a for 1 year contract Oxfam - Job Details
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    Recommended C.P.O. Course to choose

    Vinnyboy you flying the flag the wrong way mate.
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    Level 1 Trained Surveillance Operatives

    No I'AM NOT THE POC Nationally Accredited, Level 1 Trained Surveillance Operatives Pace Systems International The organisation is currently inviting potential candidates to apply for these posts with a view to being considered for interview in the near future. Applicants must be...
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    Have i just wasted time and money ??? Any advice please

    Good tools to use Google Facebook and linkedin