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  1. L

    A to H Person Description mnemonic

    ABC Method A ge B uild C olour C lothing C omplexion D istinguishing features E yes F acial hair / shape G ender, gaite H air, height
  2. L

    Home Office Police Protective Equipment Database

    A usefull link for operatives. Police protective equipment Sent from my GT-P5110 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    DS cracking RST!

    Admirable of you LGH1 well played. Sent from my GT-N7105 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    DS cracking RST!

    I was under the impression that this industry was about professionalism not elitism........ May be a little narrow minded in your approach if you do not mind me saying so. Its about the experience that individuals can bring to a team not the course or how many qualifications they hold. Also...
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    CPW feedback and forum upgrade

    The area would have to be managed and as already stated bona fide users only. As a consultant I share a large amount of information with other consultants within the industry, it broadens knowledge and keeps us up to date with trends, technology, processes etc. I am aware that there is...
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    CPW feedback and forum upgrade

    Having had my xbox and Call of Duty confiscated by the long haired general......... All joking aside, I would like to see an area set up as a resource center, were members can upload and download manuals, eBooks, articles, intelligence reports etc that are relevant to the industry. I have...
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    what's Securitas like to work for?

    No mate Manchester. Sent from my GT-N7105 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    what's Securitas like to work for?

    I have quite a few dealings with their mobile response teams as my client is city center based, switched on and a cut above the norm. Apparently very ex mil / plod / HMP orientated, don't think you can go wrong. Have heard that pay rates are good, I was quoted £13 per hr for a corporate...
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    Codes for lost kids

    Full agree with you LW on this subject... what is it with clients who invent these ludicrous codes? Current client had a code for every type of situation / emergency, in fact it was that bad you had to carry round a crib card so when it came over the net you could check. We soon stopped it...
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    CCTV Monitoring in Further and Higher Education Establishments

    Would like to gauge some opinion in regards to the monitoring of CCTV in Further Higher Education Establishments, the current security management review I am working on has brought up a number of shall we say difficult issues. During the client debrief I made a number of recommendations in...
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    CCTV in Education Establishments

    The shops are being built by the college and run by the students so all in house so to speak, the same goes for the restaurant and cafés. The issue around the selling of alcohol in the restaurant is resolved as they are exempt. Sent from my GT-N7105 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    CCTV in Education Establishments

    Guys, Thank you very much for your input very much appreciated, LW your not that far out with your image. I will update later today. Sent from my GT-N7105 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    CCTV in Education Establishments

    Thanks for that, confirms what I thought. In regards to the restaurant it is licensed to sell alcohol and is open weekdays, weekends and evenings. The in house team could potentially be used if there was an issue in the restaurant during the weekdays up until 21:00hrs, how ever there is no...
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    CCTV in Education Establishments

    Currently conducting a security review within a Higher Education establishment. The security team is in house, the campus is split site and there is wide use of CCTV. The college is goverment grant maintained, to improve income the college has a number of cafés, a restaurant and future...
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    "It's a civic matter"

    Thanks Mike for the update, can not fault the way the situation has been dealt with by yourself. With out trying to assume too much I can imagine the daily issues you have to put up with. I think maybe some lessons can be learnt by others from your experiece. ESent from my GT-N7105 using...
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    "It's a civic matter"

    LW, someone has come onto the forum and has made a post seeking advice from 'Professionals' as obviously he has not got any were with the authorities. The poster has quite rightly not challenged or will challenge this individual as obviously he is known for carrying, yes he may have tossed...
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    "It's a civic matter"

    Mike It is a Police matter what level have you taken it to? Sent from my GT-N7105 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    "It's a civic matter"

    This guy has asked for advice, and you comment like this? The poster has clearly stated that he will not approach this individual as he may be armed and quite rightly so. We have a police force that are trained and equipped to deal with this type of situation. Your serious lack of judgment...
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    To all dads out there

    I sit here with baited breath awaiting my exclusion for being opinionated, so maybe you and I can skip across open fields into the distant sunset and seek professional help together. Remember Carl we share everything ;-) Sent from my GT-N7105 using Close Protection World mobile app
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    To all dads out there

    Dear Mr Hughes, You claim to have worked for some of the richest people in the world, yet you want to start afresh !!! (I have read your biography) Mafia, 5 Star - what went wrong? Did the proverbial horses head end up at the bottom of one's bed? Then you come on here call a member an outcast...