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TITAN SECURITY & EVENTS, a security company which was subcontracted by SPECIALIZED SECURITY, for the BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Luton (24-26 May 2024), owes me and other security colleagues, payment for completed work I / we performed for them (TITAN SECURITY & EVENTS).
Whenever I / we attempt to raise the matter with the director of TITAN, Lawson Johnathan Dean and his operational manager Damo Morley, they simply ignore me / us and / or confront me / us with a variety of lies.
This is very stressful and also a humiliating experience: such behaviour should not be tolerated in the Security Industry where it is expected that quintessential security principles such as integrity, honesty, camaraderie, reliability, respect and trustworthiness should apply (as indeed it is usually the case).
FOR SPECIALIZED SECURITY: Please be aware of your subcontractors! When I contacted you about this problem several times via emails, you advised me to contact TITAN, which I did. And I again explained to you several times the situation but you just repeated for me to contact TITAN and then later you ignored us just as TITAN had. Then I called your office and I explained to you yet again the issue, and again you repeated like a robot for me to contact TITAN! I then asked you to put me through directly to the Director, and you simply hung up the phone on me. I asked you for help and support, to contact your subcontractor company TITAN, as they represented you: after all, we all worked under your umbrella and we worked hard and it is utrageous and unacceptable that after two months we are still waiting to be paid - and this is without mentioning all the lies from Titan.
Dear colleagues from Security Industry, we may all know the uncomfortable feeling of not being paid after a job done, the stress caused by such negative experiences, the ignorance, lies and lack of interest shown in dealing with such issues. These practices and such behaviour should really not exist in the Security Industry and / or indeed any other places of work.
Connected with this a money claim at the HM Courts & Tribunals Service was issued against TITAN SECURITY & EVENTS LTD.
Kind regards,
Darius L Popescu, MA (Security Svcs.)