A little guidance needed!!!


Full Registered User
Hi, im just about to take a cp course with wilplan and will hopefully pass, but i was wanting to know how you get to work in high risk jobs iv only a little military experience from the TA but i am thinkin of joining up again. Is there anything i can do increase my chances of getting this type of work??
Are you soley doing a CP course with the anticipation of getting HE work or are you looking at the domestic UK circuit
If all you have doen is the TA then I would say you will find it very hard to pick up something. Even if you do go back to the TA you would need some tours under your belt.
Good luck in what ever you choose.
Good advice Cbev, from what I can see most companies want a minimum of 7 years military experience with 3 op tours. I would concentrate on the EP side of things mate.
Ok thanks for that guy's i understand why why as well but thought id ask. Does that also mean that i will only be able to get work in the UK or is there a chance of work else where??
There are loads of countries that aren't considered HE, the majority in fact. Don't become fixated on the armoured landcruiser and MP5 image! I am sure there are many experienced HE operators on here who will tell you it isn't as glamorous as people make out. Work hard on your course, network, and you will have as much chance as anyone else of getting an unarmed job.
Good luck.
There are loads of countries that aren't considered HE, the majority in fact. Don't become fixated on the armoured landcruiser and MP5 image! I am sure there are many experienced HE operators on here who will tell you it isn't as glamorous as people make out. Work hard on your course, network, and you will have as much chance as anyone else of getting an unarmed job.
Good luck.

+1 for Charlie's vision. Get fixated on the M4 image ! :D

Seriously though, it will indeed be hard to get a job in HE with little expericence.
I wish you all the best.