Am I doing too much training?

Thanks everyone,
I've recently changed to Firefighter crossfit and runnning to change things up, I'm doing all the crossfit stuff in firekit so its really mental. Last month I did just firefighter crossfit and so no i'm just incorperating running back into it.
Stevethespartan, my old basha buddy is a qualified sport scientist, but a hopeless lazy one if i'm brutal, i'm getting some nutrition advice from a website FIRERESCUEFIT.COM. He's a nice guy but keeps pushing supplements which really ain't my bag as I KNOW anything can be found in diet alone its just the commitment.
My chocolate addiction is quite bad, to the point I saw my GP as I became unbareable when I gave it up that the Mother inlaw posted chocolate through the door and wouldn't come in until I ate it! The doctor said it seemed like a hormone imbalance that the choclate was helping to balance and that because of my physical training it shouldn't be a bother continueing eating the chocolate.

Yeah to be honest it should be ok but obviously it will slow Down the fat burning process. Will just stop you being as lean as poss. But on the flip side of that, you can gain anything from diet but it is very hard work. Supplements make life a lot easier. Even if it's just the basics. I'm a professional fighter and train 2-3 times a day so I need to take different proteins and amino acids to recover. I'd defo recommend getting a good protein shake. Chocolate flavor ;-). This might help with the cravings. It may be hormonal because chocolate releases endorphins etc... But I may also be in the mind. My down fall is fizzy drinks and sugar in general. I have to trick myself but eating quite a bit of fruit. Good sugars.
As mentioned you aint resting at all. Sounds a bit ocd to be honest. And 7k sit ups a week or whatever it is. Why??
My firm belief is clean diet and rest are crucial to gains (whether its mass or timings you are looking for). Used to do weights and Thai boxing 5 days a week. Run on the 6th then pig out on the sunday but now with family commitments,once a day. Thai -weights etc.
In short,rest man!
Good luck
oh you are trying far too hard, look just go gay marry a man and send him to Iraq, it's the best weight loss ever, i mean i am like 46kg, size 6 and a little itty bitty thing..... simples :)
Back to the OP ....

a training regimen is a balance between strenuous movements and rest.
Your goal is to find the right balance.
If you train too much - you are not going to get the results you want.
As an example, champion powerlifters may only train 2-3 times a week. That's it.
The rest of the time they let their muscles re-build.

You need to experiment and find the right balance for your own body.
Most young guys tend to overtrain ... which leads to repetitive injuries and frustration.
On the days when you are not exerting yourself - work on skill sets instead :)

good luck,

I have not read all of the posts on this thread but, on first glance your training way too much. Unless your on a lot of juice even then that would be too much. Even professional athletes use periodization in their training. Unless your planning to fight Royce Gracie or someone like that I would lighten the load a bit.

Are you doing any weights? If so what is your regime? I'm a reformed power lifter and I train 6 days a week. I train approximately an hour to hour and a half depending on how many people are holding up the machines. I take 5 minutes between sets. I am focusing more on bodybuilding now and building bigger and leaner muscles. I train each body part twice a week. I take in a lot of calories. I take a sleep after my training to help recovery.

What is your overall goal? Do you want to be a professional fighter? Sorry to ask so many questions just curious.

I've not read all the posts on this thread but what I find works for me is as such;
45 mins slow cycle AM
1 hr weights, 3 way split Pm
Mon- Fri rest sat & sun
Abs- decline sit ups weighted 3 x 10 reps and hanging leg raises 3 x 10 reps
Follow this with a high protein low carb diet and in 12 weeks you will defo notice gains.
Always go heavy with weights even for fat loss.
I follow this plan to get in shape for the summer, this year without being over strict with my diet I got down to 6% body fat
and was repping 145kg bench press.
Good rest and proper nutrition is the key to good gains- I mean you could train all day every day but without correct
Nutrition you wouldn't grow an inch so keep your protein intake high.
Also re-evaluate your training every 4-6 weeks to keep your body guessing.
I also like to keep things nice and simple and not over complicate my program like some of the ones printed in a popular monthly
Health magazine.
The best piece of advice I can give is to enjoy it and try not to get obsessed with how much you weight or how much you lift!
I hope you find the right balance for you and good luck with your training