Cash and Valuables in Transit



I have been looking into working within the cash and valuables in transit security profession. Could anyone with experience in this field give me an estimate on the cost of a course. I am also interested to know if this field is dominated by ex military employee's much like the close protection profession.

Thank you

Kenneth Dunn in Brasil you don´t need to be a ex military..JUST to be a very awake guard.We work with a shotgun plus a revolver/pistol and a vest for no more than .40 bullet(most of the attacks are now with .50/5.56 or 7.62) ..To understand very well about tactics positions(stand and shootings) and to be a excellent counter-surveillance security carriear-cash operator,learn to act without thinking(you will need it in some situations) and dealing with the Sudden Atack(sorry..but some times it occurs), controlling fear and facing danger.
That´s it my friend...try to look for courses which you can learn more about all these struff. Hope that it can help a bit and good luck

There are quite a few threads about this mate. Have a search and you'll find them.

In the UK, CVIT isn't dominated by ex-mil people, it has it's fair share but when I was working in the business, myself and one other were the only ones who had any other military or security background.

To be honest, the crews were made up of just your normal bloke without any specific qualifications and just doing it for a job. The majority of which were nearing retirement age and just seeing their final working years out in a relatively easy going job. (I'll get shot down for saying that considering the risks that come with the job but hey, that's how I found them and obviously not a reflection on all.

The courses normally get run in-house once you've applied but after talking to a few mates a while ago, the trend seems to be that recruitment is on the downward slide whilst the workload is on the up.....figures in the current financial climate!

Anyway, good luck with it.

I agree with you Walk99, the majority of this blokes don´t have a good specific qualifications as a military/law enforcement people have.
BUT..if we have a close look on it..we´ll see that military and law enforcement are very closed when we talk about tactics exercises..I mean.. street survive..of course that it will be really rare to be shot by a sniper in the city(because bombs they already use to assault us),,,, I always say...WE NEVER prepared for anything.
The important thing I would like to highlight, is that, independent to be a military, law enforcement or a civilian, is that, everything depends on YOU.
I am a civilian and did some excellent courses with british and american ex-military/police people and they helped a lot to understand more about these threads(that´s why the courses are very important and help us to get updated).
I´ve been working in a 3° World country where the crime is very high and the deads are very closed to the war in Afegnistan/Iraque/Mexico, etc.(it´s a DRUG WAR)
There are loads of information out there mate, where you can read, see videos,do courses and learn a lot about this threads and how to avoid them or react them (for me, the best gun is still the precautions/awareness).
Believe in yourself and go for it with your SOUL, because you JUST learn anything,when you are part of it(you live it) and with time and dedication you will improve yourself.
Use the things that you had or (is learning) on your day by day, have a confidence and posture as a carrier-cash operator and the people who work on it will start noticed it on you and you will get the opportunity. As Walk99 said..just be consciouns about the threads.
BELIEVE in yourself mate.