I agree with you Walk99, the majority of this blokes don´t have a good specific qualifications as a military/law enforcement people have.
BUT..if we have a close look on it..we´ll see that military and law enforcement are very closed when we talk about tactics exercises..I mean.. street survive..of course that it will be really rare to be shot by a sniper in the city(because bombs they already use to assault us),,,,but...as I always say...WE NEVER NOW...so...be prepared for anything.
The important thing I would like to highlight, is that, independent to be a military, law enforcement or a civilian, is that, everything depends on YOU.
I am a civilian and did some excellent courses with british and american ex-military/police people and they helped a lot to understand more about these threads(that´s why the courses are very important and help us to get updated).
I´ve been working in a 3° World country where the crime is very high and the deads are very closed to the war in Afegnistan/Iraque/Mexico, etc.(it´s a DRUG WAR)
There are loads of information out there mate, where you can read, see videos,do courses and learn a lot about this threads and how to avoid them or react them (for me, the best gun is still the precautions/awareness).
Believe in yourself and go for it with your SOUL, because you JUST learn anything,when you are part of it(you live it) and with time and dedication you will improve yourself.
Use the things that you had or (is learning) on your day by day, have a confidence and posture as a carrier-cash operator and the people who work on it will start noticed it on you and you will get the opportunity. As Walk99 said..just be consciouns about the threads.
BELIEVE in yourself mate.