Course Resources


New Member
Hello I have been a doorman for 8 years since I turned 18 and i'm now taking it to the next level and I'm currently doing my close protection lisence.

Aside from the obvious in these forums and on the SIA website does anybody have any good suggestions for resources and material for the course?

Maybe some of you who have allready done the course would like to post some of your work?

All this would be much appreciated by myself and the other guys on my course! I know next to nothing about close protection apart from what I've learned in different jobs as a doorsupervisor and security guard.

Hi Yorkie696

Can you just clarify, are you saying that you are on a course where no course material is available or do you want to know the answers to any potential question papers?

I'm on a course and there are materials available such as handouts and the internet.

What I'm asking for is any good books/websites/magazines/journals that I could use for some of the coursework. Or even some coursework posted for use as an example.
make a couple more posts and i will send you something that may help you but i need an email address and dont post it on here, you need 5 posts to use the PM facility