My advice...but its each to their own in a way.
Eat like a caveman. Stick to what we either hunted or gathered for, no processed crap as I'm sure you well know.
Stay away from salt and sugar, and bad fats.
(See 'fighters only' mag this month, issue 67, page 82+ for some good examples)
My favourite meal is breakfast. 450mls low fat milk in blender. Add 1 x Large banana, 45g of oats, 50g of protein powder. PERSONALLY, I'm wanting to pack on a few more kg's and am lifting a lot more so I can get away with a spoonfull of organic crunchy peanut butter and a squeeze of honey! mmmmmm
My advice...but its each to their own in a way.
Eat like a caveman. Stick to what we either hunted or gathered for, no processed crap as I'm sure you well know.
Stay away from salt and sugar, and bad fats.
(See 'fighters only' mag this month, issue 67, page 82+ for some good examples)
My favourite meal is breakfast. 450mls low fat milk in blender. Add 1 x Large banana, 45g of oats, 50g of protein powder. PERSONALLY, I'm wanting to pack on a few more kg's and am lifting a lot more so I can get away with a spoonfull of organic crunchy peanut butter and a squeeze of honey! mmmmmm