Emergency radio 501


New Member
Hi guys.

I was wondering if any of you have a decent understanding of how the 501 radio (townwatch) work.
I'm a doorman in Bournemouth but I don't really know how the systems runs when you radio for police backup.
Is there a designated team of civilians receiving the messages or does it go straight to the police? Also is there a certain type of radio used? Can anyone access the frequency?

I think I'm being a bit thick as no one else seems to have asked the question but if I don't ask I'll never find out

Cheers guys
In my neck of the woods, the city cctv operate the radio's.

keeping in contact with the pubs / clubs, the police also have a radio so they listen in, but generally you request ambulance/police assistance through them.

To use the system you have to take about a hour long course run by the cctv team. - also the network is encrypted so no randome stranger can buy a radio unit and listen in / decide to be a nob.