HECPO client briefing template

how do you know we are not briefing teams i can see what you are saying but anything is a help some one will need and use them

maybe as a ref card or some thing but its better to have them than not we are all not RMPs so like i said any assitance i can get from the mil lads helps me out

cheers ed

all we are doing is swapping info when your book is out we wont need them lol

regarding the book when is it out lol

You need proper solid training - not flash cards. If you need flash cards you need more hands on. Get hands on until it's slick and when you can do it in the dark - fast.

Re book - not allowed to say on here.

20th July or thereabouts.

Rich H
You need proper solid training - not flash cards. If you need flash cards you need more hands on. Get hands on until it's slick and when you can do it in the dark - fast.

Re book - not allowed to say on here.

20th July or thereabouts.

Rich H

Dont get me wrong, i agree that they are only for reference and solid training and drills are the best thing.

Just trying to help out thats all.

Dont get me wrong, i agree that they are only for reference and solid training and drills are the best thing.

Just trying to help out thats all.


If flash cards are used as part of that training in their proper context then fine - whatever helps. I just get the image that people are carrying flash cards around to bring out when it hits the fan.

CHANGE MAG! (Now where's that flash card?)

Rich H
If flash cards are used as part of that training in their proper context then fine - whatever helps. I just get the image that people are carrying flash cards around to bring out when it hits the fan.

CHANGE MAG! (Now where's that flash card?)

Rich H

Good point well presented. And personally I don't require a flash card when it hits fan lol.

I thought that this was and information sharing website. Hence sharing the info.

If it gives people a warm fuzzy feeling to have them then great. But that's all it is, info sharing.

STOPPAGE! (shit lost my flash card!)

Rich this thread is actually quite a possitive one so please stay out of it and stop trying to belittle everyone.

I was always told if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything.

Grief CM,

Its a matter of opinion and one that is relevant. The use of flash cards needs to be appropriate. The context that they are currently being discussed is in a high risk environment which somewhat magnifies the importance.

I'm not belittling anyone. Everyone has an opinion so let it go.

BTW, I believe it is a good thing to say hence the saying it! :)

Rich H
The idea of building a TAM (tactical aide memoir)like the one issued to commanders on OPs,has a place, and those lads who are making a start on this well done.

Not everyone has a military background think of the police lads who are looking to work overseas. A one stop folder containing CIED, weapon capabilities, known TTPs, first aide, reports and returns HF comms etc etc,that can be studied before deploying can only be a good thing. Ditto when training TNCs and LNs a picture paints a thousand words and can only help when training teams,as anyone who has trained foreign nationals on Ops will attest.

I have some CIED stuff for Afghan non caveated which i will post in due course.

Just a point if I may about AK's..? make sure you choose and purchase the correct ammunition, pay a little more for it to ensure you do or otherwise be prepared for a 4th Stoppage drill which goes something like this:

1. Round explodes in the chamber. (normal procedure I know)
2. Cartridge melts to inside of chamber and cartridge head is ripped from the body.

1. Shout B*LL**ks here we go again.
2. Remove Hammer and Rod from floor of the vehicle, which sits just behind the passenger seat below the PKM.
3. Place Rod down the said barrel.
4. Welly the top of the Rod with the hammer.

Then repeat 3 times... I must remember to purchase red tipped ammo, I must remember to purchase red tipped ammo, I must remember to purchase red tipped ammo...

The point I'm making here is that flash cards are great if you are briefing a team, to use as a reminder.

To use flash cards in how to fill and empty mags/ strip & assemble weapons/ knowing where the safety is... is severely bone.

Its as if a 'flash card disease' has been caught when in reality they bear little to no relation in any end result.

I've never seen so much dross.

Rich H

He..He.. Nothing like hands on stripping and assembling and the smell of gun oil...mmmm
the reason i ask

if its needed quickly then i can get it hand written today

if its needed typed then it will take 2 to 3 days mate

cheers ed

also i can get it translated into Indian and Nepalese’s if anyone wants let me know

by indian i mean URDU and HINDI
Arabic and not FARSI

just to clear this up cheers
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Does anyone happen to have AK lesson in Arabic?

hey cookie have a look mate as the guy that is translating it is not exmil so some of the words from english to arab where a bit hard for him to work out

check it out also this is not the full translation i wanted you to check it so far just in case mate

cheers craig

sorry mate its upside down

right way up mate lol
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hey cookie

this is the full format mate a bit long winded but you know what they are like mate went into 5 pages hope its what you want and can read me i cant understand a bloody thing and i had to number the pages to make sure i had it the right way up lol

but anyway its done mate