Home Office review of SIA


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The long-delayed Home Office review of the Security Industry Authority has been published.The bottom line is that the SIA has 'performed to a satisfactory standard as a regulator and should be retained, but now is the time to focus on how it can make changes to achieve regulatory best practice to take the industry forward'.Welcoming publication, Alan Clamp, Chief Executive of the SIA, said: "Many of the findings of this review reflect the SIA’s published priorities some of which we are...

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Any comments below..
Meaning that they got to place come fat cats in coney chairs before their retirement?

The SIA is a joke
The training a joke
The process a joke
Most of the professionals worst than a joke.

1º set real standards (really difficult, not even cops have proper ones)
2º set real training
3º set real exams/tests by independent body or the police not a private corporation issuing "toy police badges for nerds" at 400 quid each
4º make the circuit PROFESSIONAL
5º give a fantastic direct line, the phone that used to be, instead of monkey messaging on the computer