Milan & Madrid: Can anyone recommend a Site Security provider?


Full Registered User
I have been asked to vet site security providers for a client in Madrid and Milan. Anyone got any recommendations? I've had positive mentions for Securitas Seguridad, CIS Seguridad and SegurServi in Madrid. Anyone come across these guys?

Thanks and best wishes

Try and PM Massimino in Italy, should have a good inside knowledge of reputations of those around Milan.
Thanks, Oddjob - already hooked up with Massimino - he's been extremely helpful. Very good contact.

Best wishes

Thanks all - extremely helpful information. We have put a short list of providers across to the client, so it's out of my hands now. What a brilliant research resource CP World has proved to be.
Just curiosity, would you be able to tell me what has the client impression been about "Securitas" in Madrid???

The main security companies in Spain are "Prosegur" and "Securitas" taking about 60% of the security market, CIS is much smaller and the other, had never even heard of it.
I would recommend a personal selection before closing the assignation as here in Spain the work is really different for each worker and more important than the company is the employee that will attend your needs every day.
Q. What's the difference between Milan and Madrid?
A. You can't fook up a MBT from 2k with a Madrid.....

Well, I thought it was funny...............
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Milan - Sicuritalia or Metronette

From personal experience Metronette are hard to deal with - Sicuritalia slightly better, depends what you want - Armed or Static.

I'd worry about Italy TBH, if you need 24 hour cover you'd best have an e-mail address, a native drafted e-mail and a native speaker available to discuss with the controllers - a 30 min response time is well difficult as is organizing cover for a site specific role (corprate client) hit me up if you want any more info.
