Peregrine Risk Management - Vacancies

Covert Munkey

**Peregrine Risk Management** will be increasing its portfolio of risk consultancy services in 2023 in response to a number of new opportunities and clients;

We are looking for Risk Consultancy services in the following ‘live’ core areas;
- Physical Security (Security Vulnerability Assessments and Office Security Plan creation and implementation)
- Travel Risk Management (A clear understanding of ISO 31030, Travel Risk training and how to build and deliver Travel Safety Programmes to include Policy development)
- Contingency Planning and Training (inc. Crisis Management, Evacuation Playbook and Incident Response Plan creation and training experience)
- Hotel Security (Assessment and Training)
- Critical Infrastructure
- Martyns Law and Active Shooter (Assessment and Training)
- Defensive Driver Training Instructor
- Media/TV/Film Security Advisory
- Media/TV/Film Health and Safety + Paramedicine

Locations: UK and Global
Requirement: Live
Start Date/s: This programme will commence Feb 23 for the rest of 2023+.
Rates: TBD with the most suitable candidate/s
Number of Consultants needed: No fixed number, the number will be driven by capability, capacity and client needs.

If you feel you hold the right experience and qualifications please forward:
- Areas of expertise that you would like to put forward (Using the list above)
- a copy of your CV
- any relevant qualifications and experience
- a redacted sample of consultancy work to prove competency
- two references (Clients who you have delivered consultancy)
- country experience

Scroll down for further contact details: