i've recently had issues with Phoenix cp , i emailed them and asked about a course , i was rapidly rang by the OPS manager, seemed a nice guy and raved about their reputation etc . i did a little digging and phoenix did indeed get lots of recomendations, so i paid the deposit to take the course,
then i emailed and asked a few questions and the replies were very very slow if at all, they didnt seem to want to answer tough questions and i repeatedly asked for the ops managers email and i'm still waiting??
I had sent my CV to their ops manager who was very impressed with it ( apparently) and said i was in a very good position ( yes i was really that gullible), i started looking at other companies for possible work and contacted a few of the ops managers direct and asked a few questions about the criteria they were looking for . and asked about the best courses, Phoenix never came up once ..
And was told very politely that without plenty of experience in the industry, i would be very lucky to get anywhere ( i have 15 yrs military _army and airforce).
i put these question to phoenix too NO reply .
then did some digging and found that Phoenix USED to be the best but they have had major changes since then.
so i decided to cancel the course, no point wasting money after all, communication at this point was very very slow and out of my £1000 deposit i'll get £350 back . but i think i may have had a lucky escape .
after sales service was appalling. they just seemed to want the money once that was done they lost interest.
Now before i get lots of slagging off this is purely my experience and opinion and they may well be a fantastic company,
but my experience has left a sour taste in my mouth.