I am not going to speak on Jon's behalf or comment on individual cases, also I do not work for Jon in any way so I do not seek to gain from this post.
I have done more than one course with Praetorian and have found the training to be first class, the instruction clear and concise and the fact that they are willing to fail people who they see as not being suitable for the industry as a whole is bloody refreshing to be honest. As stated earlier in the thread, Praetorians courses are in my humble opinion, the closest thing to real life London work available at this current time with instruction from some of the best and most experienced London operators in the business.
As for the lack of response to your emails....... I obviously dont have the answers for this Abi but I will say this....... do not take it as rudeness or as a slur to you, make a few more calls if you have to. The package he has put together for the course is second to none and the pricing structure means that you could pay twice as much elsewhere for half the training you would get with Praetorian.
In short........ trust the opinion of those that have a) done the courses with them OR b) know Jon personally (I have the pleasure of both). Its a great opportunity to train well, save money and get 'real life' training in the centre of London!!! AND DONT FORGET using a provider who is active and operational can always help!!!!!!!! Best of luck
Abi, if you still cant get through PM me in the next few days
patience is a virtue...... not just a crap card game x