Praetorian Training


Full Registered User

Could any-one with experience of this course drop me a PM with their opinions?


Abi, one of the best courses / instructors for real life " on the circuit " training providers. If your good and serious, you will get in and pass, if not they will show you the door.
Thank-you for your replies, although I'm not sure if just over half the trainees actually finishing could be put down to the stringent criteria required or the lack of quality on show.....

Regarding my own progress, I'm afraid I won't be attending this course. I'm not going to comment on the quality of the training - but on the quality of the G4. After several weeks of calling and e-mailing the number on the web-site, I am yet to receive any concrete reply from Praetorian as to my concerns - namely when/ where/what/ who/ how much? Not complicated questions but ones which I have, to be honest, given up in chasing.

I did speak briefly by mobile to a director of the company 3 weeks ago, and to a secretary 2 weeks ago, but my repeated enquiries since have not been answered. Not a good hit-rate out of over a dozen enquiries on my part. Therefore, I am hesitant to deposit my hard-earned with a company that, however good the training is purported to be, seems unable to communicate with somebody who is keen, able, fit and capable of doing the deed.

You can slate me for posting the above - however, it is the truth....
I think in this case, the mountain is the CUSTOMER..!

Why bother? If they cannot be arsed to pick up a phone, why should anyone be bothered to commit further resources to chasing, much less a physical trip & the associated cost & time?!
All depends on if you want to attend their course or look elswhere. However I must support your post in that they should at least follow up and call the chap back. Rudeness in any business is not nice (that wasn't a dig Jon) and at the present time we are all hungry for work.

I am not going to speak on Jon's behalf or comment on individual cases, also I do not work for Jon in any way so I do not seek to gain from this post.

I have done more than one course with Praetorian and have found the training to be first class, the instruction clear and concise and the fact that they are willing to fail people who they see as not being suitable for the industry as a whole is bloody refreshing to be honest. As stated earlier in the thread, Praetorians courses are in my humble opinion, the closest thing to real life London work available at this current time with instruction from some of the best and most experienced London operators in the business.
As for the lack of response to your emails....... I obviously dont have the answers for this Abi but I will say this....... do not take it as rudeness or as a slur to you, make a few more calls if you have to. The package he has put together for the course is second to none and the pricing structure means that you could pay twice as much elsewhere for half the training you would get with Praetorian.

In short........ trust the opinion of those that have a) done the courses with them OR b) know Jon personally (I have the pleasure of both). Its a great opportunity to train well, save money and get 'real life' training in the centre of London!!! AND DONT FORGET using a provider who is active and operational can always help!!!!!!!! Best of luck

Silent :p

Abi, if you still cant get through PM me in the next few days
patience is a virtue...... not just a crap card game x
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Abi, i can only second the comments of silent and please remember my original response to you. Jon is an ACTIVE employer and employee so maybe the office have been unable to give you the answers you need till he returns .......

No offence taken...and none given, I hope....

As for visiting them, rather difficult as I live over 400 miles away. Plus, I kind of think that if I'm seriously willing to part with 1.5K the least I deserve is to feel a little wanted...

I've also made it clear I'm not commenting on the quality of training, or on the company or the connections it offers, but on the G4 admin I have experienced.

I'm actually quite disappointed as I had done my groundwork on this. The course was due to start on Mon but, as it stands tonight, I really don't know if it is on or off...If it was my company, I wouldn't run my trainset that way.

Anyhow, don't have anymore to add to that, really....
Abi...... i cant comment on the crux of this thread but if time is an issue and you can spare another 100GBP..... we can get you on our CP course in Serbia Feb 23rd.

Flight is included as are transfers, accom, meals, registration fees etc.

Just a thought if you are looking for options.

Must say though that it does seem strange that they have not got back to you!!

Best regards

abi i was one of the 8 that passed in november on the preatorian course dont be negative be patient and you wont be disssapointed with what you get back training wise its second to none all of theinstructors are first class if you still have no joy post me ill contact them for you