Should I or shouldn't I?


Full Registered User
Hi all,

I am just looking for a little advice from all you. (mod's - if this is in the wrong place, then please feel free to move it)

I am a female with a CP licence, and I am thinking about taking a surveillance course in the next few months as I want something that I can do when CP is "out of season" as it were.

So, my questions are:

Is there much work out there for surveillance operatives and/or PI's?
Is there much room in the industry for women?
Who would you recommend I do my course with if I decide to take it up?
Realistically, apart from having something extra to put on my CV, would I just be wasting my time and money doing a course?

Any help and guidance would be much appreciated!
Many thanks everyone!

It's been pointedout to me that this is in the wrong place, and that nobody can repy to me, so i have posted it elsewhere!
Could one of the mods please remove this post?
Many thanks!
Lozzy why don't you take a look at what surveillance TP's are about look at ISS and Argus Europe for a start, email them or call them for a chat they are the best people to really give you an idea of if it's for you or not. There are others too, i'm just using those as an example.

Never a bad thing to do extra courses to give you another a few extra strings to your bow, it's all an advantage. Surveilance is certainly an interesting option if you think you have the stomach for the sneaky beaky side of things, setting up i'm told can be an outlay but there certainly seems to be some work out there in the area

Good luck and let us know how you get on
Funnily enough, Argus and ISS are the 2 companies that I have contacted already and got training brochures from. They both look really good, but then, they are training brochures, and they are meant to look good.
Thanks for the advice Annie - I will certainly keep it in mind and give them a call for a chat.
And I will definitely keeop you informed! :eek:D
Surveillance jobs are very hard to come by - just look at the recruitment part of this section on the forum - but it certainly can't hurt to add another string to your bow if you have the opportunity to do so. Doing a course with one of the two companies you have mentioned should add weight to your CV and, in time, you could end up being quite a valuable asset as a Female CPO with surveillance experience.

Good luck!

Defo do the course if you are already a CPO, I go between the two fields and as a female find there is enough work in both. Its not often you can find more than one female on a team.

Lozzie. Regardless of where in the world you are, good surveillance operatives are hard to come by. Not those that think they're good, but really good ones. Within that small group, females are even more difficult to find.

As a woman looking to expand your skills and marketability, i say go for it.

There is a small handful of good training providers (by reputation, i haven;t trained with them) of which most have been mentioned in this thread and a few more on this forum.

If you have the financial means, go for it.

Good luck!

Me and the missus did the advanced course with Pete at ISS. I would recommend it to anyone... I'm still doing the CP thing but the missus keeps her hand in while I'm away and I have done a bit when I have been back in the uk. But am now doing more and more back in the UK and less out here in the dust Bowl. So its all good!

The missus had no experience at all. But to be honest she makes the best operator going... she gets away with far more than any of us men can.

As far as work is concerned... the more you put in ... the more you get out of it... does that make sense

Hope this helps you some..