Some Guidelines for potential new Marsec Operators

And from Aegis's MARSEC web page....

ISPS Combined Security Officer (Ship, Port & Company Security Officer-SSO, PFSO & CSO)
STCW 95.
ENG1 seafarers medical certificate.
First Aid at Work (FAW) individually – with at least one FPOS-I per 4-man team.
RYA VHF short range radio (SRC) certificate.
RYA Radar qualification.
Re Qualifications for working in the MARSEC Industry

I have watched with a smile, peoples interpretation of whats required!

The Cynic in me feels that if you are ex RM even if having left over 25 years ago, complete a SSO Course then you will have issued Golden Bollocks and many doors will be opened for you :)

If however you are a mere mortal and do not have someone working for a company who can & will vouch for you? Then basically you are "F**ked"

I went down the basic advised route,

Stcw 95
CRB Check
Additionally Ex Forces & Ex Civil Police

All doors were closed in my face, because I wore a Red Beret (Ex RMP) and had not been issued with Golden Bollocks I was in fact "F**ked"

Then I remembered I had a friend, who had worn one of those Magical Beret's. Who out of the kindness of his heart opened a door for me and got me the opportunity to do my first transit! I now have my toe in the door with one company ! :) Hurrah

The cynic in me says, we can pay for all the courses have ex forces experience but without Karma working for us then we basically have to wait till a transit comes up where a company does not have enough staff and someone remembers at the bottom of the CV's Pile you are waiting!

Hmmm so during my career I have worn both berets, but I honestly thought the red one would carry some weight with it. Surely given the many skills that the RMP gather employers must think you have at least one golden ball??
Thanks for all the info . The only thing you forgot to mention is most of the MARSEC companies will require minimum 5 years British Military record. The Seaman card and Discharge book it has to be signed off by the company that you will be working for or the CAPITAN of the vessel, you will need ENG1 medical and YELLOW FEVER Certificate.
Glad to hear you got the (toe in) mate. I have got the same problem and it is annoying after the effort, time and investment plp put into all these courses and certificates . It's only (who you know , not what you know).
after working for royal caribbean as a ship security officer and gaining all my certs sso, stcw95, firearms, lifeboat commander and countless others i also have eng1 medical and yellow fever plus sea time i still cant get a company to take a punt on me just because i aint of a previous military background. i would just like to say i can do the job just as good as the next man
No disrespect fella, but the Pirates have upped the ante, and have you been on a two way range during your time on RC ships?
A good proportion of the guys being hired now have been in HRE's for several years and have the experience of being in such situations, in todays climes, this is indeed pretty important, and as trained former Squaddies and Booties they're instincts and training kick in.

Keep plugging away, nothing ventured nothing gained ;)
i will keep plugging away, i know of a cpl of ex booties who arnt capable of securing my dog kennel let alone a cargo ship but because they were RM that was all that mattered and they are in regular work. Just seems like the old school tie brigade. i also know of several blokes who aint got any military background so it makes me wonder what have you got to do to get work. if anyone has any suggestions then im all ears thanks
makes me wonder what have you got to do to get work. if anyone has any suggestions then im all ears thanks

Don't go at it thinking it is a them and us situation, it wont do you any good and is bad for the soul. Find out what qualifications and experience people have who are getting hired and look at your own CV in comparison, but also think about what skills make you stand out from the crowd so you can polish and develop those.
Hi Annie. I'm new to this forum. I just had an e-mail from a friend of mine saying someone was advertising on cp-world for scandinavian maritime officers. I have now registered but can't reply to the add. How can I reply to the ad or e-mail 'Kurt'?

Best regards
Hi Annie. I'm new to this forum. I just had an e-mail from a friend of mine saying someone was advertising on cp-world for scandinavian maritime officers. I have now registered but can't reply to the add. How can I reply to the ad or e-mail 'Kurt'?

Best regards

The company you are thinking of is Scandinavian Risk Solutions check their website although recruitment is currently closed now.

P.s think you have to make several posts before PM ing anyone
What a wealth of information.

I have 21 years military experience in RA and MPGS and I have ECL to use for the training, but I am now asking myself is it worth using the £2000 I have available on courses and still have to fight for a job. I hear so many people saying that they have done the courses but still can’t find any work – not justin MARSEC but CP as well.

I know that this is the case for any type of job but I would like to think that I have a bit more to offer than flipping burgers.
What a wealth of information.

I have 21 years military experience in RA and MPGS and I have ECL to use for the training, but I am now asking myself is it worth using the £2000 I have available on courses and still have to fight for a job. I hear so many people saying that they have done the courses but still can’t find any work – not justin MARSEC but CP as well.

I know that this is the case for any type of job but I would like to think that I have a bit more to offer than flipping burgers.

Thats exactly what I am thinking about:)
Id say its worth it.

I managed to get a marsec contract a few weeks ago, i dont have an stcw95 or an sso course, but am ex forces and have had a decent bit of experience. But i dont think thats what got me in, id say 90 percent of it is can you write a good cv?

and i dont mean make up a load of lies, but actually present yourself as employable.

theres a lot of people who have spent loads on courses thinking it will make up for their lack of personality or experience. and a lot of people who have everything needed to work, and have the experience but just cannot write a cv.

a good mate of my mine sent me his the other day, personaly i know him very well and know he is a top bloke that id trust anywhere, but his cv was about 5 pages long and i got bored reading it in a few seconds.

so dont be put off by it all. and also do remember for every one person on here saying they cant get work theres probably ten people who have got work and are too busy out there on a transit to bother checking this forum.

and also before anyone thinks about it, dont be messaging me asking who i work for or how to get contact details etc. i keep myself to myself on here!
If your wanting to get into MARSEC and need a yellow fever get your jab done whilst your still serving and it's free. Just been to my local GP's because my last jab was 10 years ago and the robbing ba*****s charged me £62!!!!
This thread was a great read. I'm also ex military (Navy) and armed Police with 15 years experience.

Just need to get a decent CV done that's not a cure for amnesia.

this forum is golden
Guys, such as the nature of the Security Industry whether it be CP or MARSEC, it's all about supply and demand, the harsh truth it, supply outweighs the demand, and some of you who are putting everything into getting a transit are going to be very very dissapointed, and never see a ship, nepotism is rife, you can pay for every course under the sun, but if you were a cock when you served, it will be remembered in the long run, loads of ex SNCO's who fogot what it was like to be human, turned into tossers, will be remembered by those they treated like shyt and chances of you earning a living at sea, or anywhere in Security will diminish rapidly.
Even if you get one transit, don't pin your hopes up, you need to cover all eventualities that all the money you spent will get you nothing, so have a variety of skills you can use elsewhere, you may not gel with team mates and it'll get back to head sheds you're a prick, and bye bye any chance of making a living off MARSEC..
We don't always get what we want out of life, and this industry isn't much different, some blokes will strike it lucky, some blokes will be sh*t out of luck and lighter in the pocket..MARSEC is a fickle subject, and companies who have hundreds of guys on the books are at the liberty of keeping costs down too by only giving guys 2-3 transits every 2-3 months, you'll never make a living like that, and you WILL be liable to pay tax on what you earned, so think very very seriously about the bigger picture, and ask yourself "What can I offer that makes me worth hiring compared to the man sitting in the waiting room next to me" ?
IF I was a hirer/HR guy first thing I'd be asking the potential employee, is "Why do you want to become a MARSEC operator" followed by "What do you expect life at sea is all about" and " what makes me want to hire you, and not the other guys" followed by a dozen other questions, to also include somwhere "what is your level of commitment to the job/us"
MARSEC isn't the new kid on the block, but the level of attention it's attracting sure is, and neither is Anti Piracy stuff either, there are guys on here who were cutting their teeth in the same region 10+ years ago..