Tax Liability


Full Registered User
I have worked in Iraq from Nov 2011 to present .
Prior to this April 11 to Oct 11 I worked for a UK security company.
I had budgeted for the tax bill in relation to the work I had carried out for the UK security company.
My accountant has now hit me with a tax bill that has included my income paid by a US company into my UK bank account.
Am I missing something, is there a form I should have filled out prior to working abroad……Please I would appreciate any help thank-you
My understanding of it is that if you are a UK resident regardless of working overseas you are liable to pay tax in the UK.

Also to count as non resident you need to spend less than 6 months in the year un the UK. If your accountant is going with tax year then from the dates you've given I'd make that 6months exactly in each year.

In all honesty you're accountant should be advising you on this. Afterall that's what you are paying him for.

To be classed as non-resident you have to be non-resident for a full tax year i.e. April till April. At present you haven't completed a full tax year. If you are coming back to the UK now for good then your accountant is correct in saying you will have a tax bill for your Iraq earnings, however if you are continuing to work abroad past next April and adhere to the non-residency rules regarding days then you will not have to pay tax on your earnings from Iraq.
Thanks for the info,
I think I should have spent more time looking for an accountant with experience in overseas earnings.
I had tried to stay local & help out the little guy.........lesson learned