used armoured vehicles


Full Registered User

anyone know any units/organisations that are selling off used armoured 4 x4 diesel vehicles in Africa or Middle East, that would be suitable for Cash in Transit in small African Republic.??

Dont really want to go to the expense of all singing/dancing new armoured vehicles because the threat doesnt warrant it (famous last words)

Many thanks
Hi Gard
Try Gator Global they have pretty nice stuff.
If it dosent work out I might find someone for you that can assist that I have dealt with in the past.

Hi mate,

Depends on what you are looking for , I have a good contact in Dubai who sells Armoured vehicles B6 Level. They can be shipped almost anywhere. Drop me a PM with more details ie budget restrictions etc ??
Hi guys

thanks for the replies, and we will look into.
Mickworldwide: We have already been in touch with a company in Dubai, probably same company you suggest.
