...And the fact that a lot of countries guvs around the world have been infiltrated by followers of a particular persuasion.
I don't mean Judaism, I mean Zionism.
Plus that particular persuasion owns the media of these countries- lock, stock and 120mm barrel.
The basic fact that the original inhabitants have been kicked off their land by another group of people who's only claim to the land, apart from the Rothschild driving force over the Brits who looked after it as a protectorate, is that God said they should have it.
Mmmm, I'll say that again- God said it belongs to them and that's why they're wiping out the opposition
Fu ck, are they on crack?
If some fuc ker invaded my home I'd be massively pissed off especially if they kept revising the terms of land allocation through over whelming force at the drop of a hat and the international community and UN did the square root of fu ck all.
After all the American DU, WP and DIME has fell and polluted everything organic in that small strip of land I hope the warmongering twats and their bought politicians and media around the world will be proud of themselves.
The first time I met a Palestinian was with Bechtel in Iraq and I took an instant dislike to him as my conditioning through the western media had been relentless and thorough and he had to be a terrorist threat or a dodgy twat as he was Palestinian.
I regret my knee-jerk reaction to this day as I'd never heard the other side of the story or bothered myself to find the source of the troubles and do my own research.
I've since educated myself and am proudly able to make up my own mind on what is and always has been Palestine.
It seems that there are a few here that also need to educate themselves and i don't mean this provocatively but honestly.
The whole reason for this asymetrical warfare was officially because of 3 kids killed by Hamas and now this has been officially rebuked by independent press sources but it shows you how powerful the international Israeli lobby are if after going to war over a lie hasn't turned international politics on it's head and brought the world down on the Zionist leaders after killing 1,000 men, women and children on the basis of this lie.
Claim that Hamas killed 3 teens is turning out to be the WMD of Gaza onslaught | Mondoweiss
Israel admits HAMAS didn't kidnap the 3 Israeli teens after all
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren't allowd to criticise.