The issue of gaining weight continues to come up on this thread. So I thought I would add a simple way of looking at your food than mixing protein shakes and protein bars.
First after a medical from my gp I would consider my protein intake or how much protein should you intake. Depends on who you ask it's between 1-3 gms per kilo of bodyweight. This would have to in my opinion depend on if you are on the gear or not. So what should one do?
If I am going out on a job I will prepare my food in advance using plastic containers. eating chicken breasts, potato or rice or pasta every two to three hours. I would make the meat portion about the size of my fist. Then you can add your hydration pack into your day sack to take along your water and not have to worry about containers. This is guarantee to put on weight. I would start my day by drinking some raw oats about half a cup, pro fuel, milk or water which ever you prefer blend and drink. This can be mixed with some protein powder if you must drink it.
I would then after an hour eat 6 eggs. After this I would start the every 2-3 hours. I would also increase my cardio to one hour in the am and one hour in the pm to keep the body fat down.
Next thing which is much written about is a workout program that can help you achieve your goals. If your considered a hard gainer this will surely increase your weight. Between sets in the gym I would sit down for 5 full minutes between sets to help your body recover from intense training. Squat once a week. Deadlift once a week along with the bench press and other exercises should have you on your way. Squat and Deadlift are key exercises. Don't do them at your own risk of not meeting your goals.
Best Wishes
blasting farts and smelling like shiite are not signs the protein is working. It means your taking way too much. Smelling like rotten arse is not a good thing. If you been around bodybuilders surely you've run into one who was blasting farts every 5 min