Help needed


New Member
Hi everyone, Im an ex bootneck trying to get on a SSO course with much difficulty. Im currently out of work and have no spare change to fund the course. I can use my ELC towards the contribution of the course, but still leaves me short of the rest. The Royal British Legion have been very kind and offered to fund the rest of the course for me through there Grant Employment Scheme, Only problem is they want evidence of a possible job outcome with qualifications gained through taking the course. This is where i need help. I have spent many weeks contacting different companies with no such luck. I would be very grateful for any help or advice given. I am clearly running out of ideas. All i need is some sort of evidence stating that with the qualifications gained through the course that there is a possibility that an employer would consider me now or in the near future if a vacancy came along.

Many Thanks :D
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@taffy29, i'm currently having the same problem and was wondering if you had any luck? I understood that the provider could not be the the same personnel offering employment! has anyone used the service that can shead some light?