the gift that keeps on giving!!!!!
You got an invite to his class!
I got nothing!!
Don't mind me guys, just going to go suck the flash suppressor of my 12 gauge while it's loaded, curious about the taste.
You want to teach me something abou AIKIDO??!!
I admire your knowledge about Aikido!
I wish you apply it one day to your daily routine.
I know my clients and they know me.
I am busy with life so I can't spend much time here, like you guys abusing others for what they have done in a life. I gues thats all you have done in your lives.
Keep doin the best you can do.
Steven Seagal is a total fraud, I'd knock him out with a back hander. Aikido is about as effective in real fighting as Origami .
Although I agree with some of what you say, I practice Aikido and some of the grips and grasps I have learned over the years are fantastic!
When delivered correctly I don't appear to be inflicting pain, at least on CCTV!!
I do practice other disciplines as well and continue to weight train 5 or 6 days a week.
Aikido is very effective especially when a technique is delivered with intent!!, that is where I stray away from the ethos of traditional Aikido.
Again I agree with some of what is being said, I train in Aikido as well as other martial arts, I have been asked to visit a Krav Maga club by one of my pals. I will go along and have a look but Aikido will in my opinion continue afford me the grips and grasps that I know are very useful and discrete,
I already know how to knock people out or over power them with strength combined with violence, boxing taught me how to move forward whilst being punched... all very useful in our trade.
I take from Aikido what I know to be useful, Aikido is a defensive art form so very useful in disarming people but especially under cross examination from a prosecution barrister....
Aikido has only defensive techniques your honour, it has no attack.
(Takes their legs away in court)
Whereas boxing is a point based attack form.
My advise to everyone is never depend on one technique, the person you are up against might be better at if than you are, be versatile and win!
Sounds like a challenge to me.Steven Seagal is a total fraud, I'd knock him out with a back hander. Aikido is about as effective in real fighting as Origami is so the fact you think practicing it gives you some kind of tough guy kudos proves that you are a clueless walter mitty.
Most Polish guys are sound but you are a fantasist, you bring shame on yourself and your Nation typing twaddle like this online for all to see. "I have a private special forces unit" Yeah, I'm sure you do buddy but they only exist on your Playstation 4.
Sounds like a challenge to me.
Keep listening the song I sent u a while ago. Green poo.
No one asked you to read it.