Diet question - 5 meals a day?


My advice...but its each to their own in a way.
Eat like a caveman. Stick to what we either hunted or gathered for, no processed crap as I'm sure you well know.
Stay away from salt and sugar, and bad fats.

(See 'fighters only' mag this month, issue 67, page 82+ for some good examples)

My favourite meal is breakfast. 450mls low fat milk in blender. Add 1 x Large banana, 45g of oats, 50g of protein powder. PERSONALLY, I'm wanting to pack on a few more kg's and am lifting a lot more so I can get away with a spoonfull of organic crunchy peanut butter and a squeeze of honey! mmmmmm
Hi pal, here is a quick meal plan i used recently and it worked well.

0700 - bowl of oats with two scoops of Nutrisports 90+ protein and one multivitiman tablet.
1000 - Protein Drink 90+ and banana.
1200 - Two chickhen breasts with boiled vegetables.
1330 - Bottle of lucozade sport and banana.
1400 - Train.
1530 - After training Protein drink and glucose powder drink.
1700 - Boiled potatoes, Two pieces of white fish and boiled vegetables.
2000 - protein drink and two chocolate chip cookies.
Follow this my friend for eight weeks. On a saturday you may have one treat meal of your choice with a desert. Before you commence this diet measure yourself and upon completion you will see awesome results i promise you. One quick one for you, is the Corporate cp course delivered by NSC to the standard where i could get work in the UK upon completion. I hope the diet works mate.
I have the diet plan by Neil McTeggart mens health editor.
In PDF format 90 pages of good info.

Send me a pm with your email and i'll forward it on to anyone thats interested.

I'm going to try and eat 5 small meals a day in and attempt to drop body fat and BMI. Whilst continuing to lift weights and increase CV.

Can any gym bunnies suggest tasty meals/size and when the best time to eat these would be?



Have you looked at intermittent fasting? I've tried it and it works well for me.

An important and obvious factor is what you eat rather than how many times per day you eat. In my humble opinion, food shouldn't have ingredients. You go into a supermarket and for the most part three quaters of the floor space is dedicated to utter crap. Any food that has a commercial, most food in packets, any food with a list of scientific sounding ingredients I tend to stay away from.

Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

A Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting | Nerd Fitness

Muscle Building and Burning Fat | Defense Nutrition The Warrior Diet

It's not for everyone but it can have fantastic results. It does take a bit of getting used to though.

It's a lot easier than having to try and get 5-6meals a day organised as well if you lead a busy lifestyle. Trying to fit five meals that are healthy into my average day just isn't going to happe, and there's a lot of studies that show that eating this many meals per day doesn't have any effect on metabolism anyway whereas there are plenty of studies that show intermittent fasting does.

Like I said, it doesn't suit everybody, but it certainly won't hurt to look into it.

I think you've just got to experiment ... until you find the system that works for you.
and it's probably a bit different for everybody.

Here are a couple, one of which I tried and it did work.

1. Drink a cup of grapefruit juice before lunch and dinner. Suposedly it sours the stomach and kills your appetite. You just dont want to eat as much food.

2. Eat whatever you normally do - just eat half it!! And to make this work ... dole out the food on a plate BEFORE you start eating. put the rest away.

3. I might have mentioned this one before. It did actually work for me. When you get up in the morning, have some protein. Typically I eat some lowfat cottage cheese. Nothing else, and especially NO carbs. Go and do your morning exercise, then come back and have a few small extras for breakfast, but stay away from the breads, oatmeals and cereals. What this does is to bump up your metabolism, because the body has to digest the influx of protein. I followed this system, and also had a light lunch with mostly salad and a small amount of protein. Then for dinner each night - a perfectly normal meal. So basically, two meals a day were very low on carbs, with an intake of protein at the start of the day. It worked well, and I lost 10 pounds easily.

A small piece of pan fried salmon (skin on) is tasty and very healthy - lots of protein and Omega 3 - excellent for all round health. If you fry the skin right, it tastes better than crispy pork. 5 dreary meals of protein shakes and tins of tuna and the diet lasts about a week.

Ozzy sex case and Youtube celebrity chef Greg cooks salmon: