
  1. M

    Police Close Protection v Military Close Protection

    Just thought id start this thread to see what everybody thought........ How does Police Close Protection compare with Military Close Protection?
  2. M


    Just signed in to this forum and wanted to say hello to all of you. Found this place while searching internet for some information about CP work and trainings. From my own experience it's always best to research forums with people's private and honest opinions than rely on corporations and...
  3. M

    SO19 and CO19 explained

    CO19 is the name given to the department, which provides the firearms related support to the rest of the Metropolitan Police Service CO19 Specialist Firearms Command are better known by SO19 which was its former Specialist Operations, which provides the firearms related support to the rest of...
  4. M

    RMP Close Protection Picture

    RMP Close Protection Picture of a RMP in typical gear for embassy work abroad. RMP Close Protection Picture of a RMP in typical gear for military work abroad.
  5. M

    Close Protection World Logo

    Hi All You may have noticed a new logo recently added to the header and shown below. Do you guys like it?? Feedback appreciated. Thanks Mally
  6. O

    Can I sue over deleted cctv?

    I got my bag stolen in a bar and i highly suspected it was one of the staff. I requested the cctv footage but they refused to give it to me. FInally the police went there and they told them they had checked it and there was nothing interesting on there so they deleted it....can I sue them for...
  7. B

    What is a good CCTV setup for home use- I want to have my car protected?

    And want a camera that can "see" in the dark and also has a range to ID the scum that are vandalising property in my area-so I can take out a private prosecution. TIA-I have DVR card so only need a camera.
  8. T

    Private investigators hired on the ground and their advice followed?

    We now know that private investigators (PIs) were hired on the ground in Spain (as it’s illegal to hire them in Portugal). The PIs think that Madeleine is most likely in these regions (Spain, Portugal and North Africa). The McCanns spokesman declared that they are funded by the fund. The...
  9. G

    If the MI5 is supposed to be a SECRET service, why have the media been allowed to

    publicise thier evidence? Obviously the secret service are there for a reason, even despite reported blunders by the media, FFS the secret service is supposed to be.. well our best, excuse the pun! Do employees of the media get a personal kick out of ruining everything in thier path? Yes they...
  10. M

    Stab Vests

    Stab vests are different from bulletproof vests, most of which offer little protection against stabbing with sharp-tipped objects such as knives. A stab vest is a reinforced article of clothing, usually worn under other clothing, which is designed to resist knife attacks. A stab vest...
  11. M

    What's the best CCTV Hardware & Software as well as a handheld computer (don't...

    ...want a laptop)? All for £1000 (+/- £150)? I want a small handheld PC the runs on Windows XP or similar. Any suggestions? Also CCTV equipment for home use: Clear picture: 24 FPS? Round about 4-6 camaras? Laptops are extremely heavy and noticable... In the UK that is...from a...
  12. H

    which one is the real me? the one in the mirror or the one on my digi cam?

    I look ugly in my photos. yet when i look in the mirror i look ok. so which one am I? i dont understand why there is such a big difference. which one truly refelcts me?
  13. X

    I have installed wireless cctv at home can next door also see what my cam see's if

    they also have wireless? Its because of my neighbours I had to purchase this item, and they are fuming as they like to play up, and now my reception has reduced, so was wondering if they also bought wireless cctv can they pick up my camera signals?
  14. M

    CCTV CAMERAS??? info?

    has anyone got them?? Are they easy to install??? how much would an electrican cost to put one up for me?? I have bought my own CCTv camera already..
  15. L

    Do you like this constant surveillance society?

    why is someone always trying to take my picture on CCTV? Why does the government want me to pay £££ for a card just to grant complete strangers instant access to my private information? Why do they want the DNA of everyone who resides in or visits Britain held on a giant database...
  16. C

    Can a "bouncer" (door staff/security) at a pub or nightclub legitimately use

    force or eject you? Please note for people who are employed in this profession, I respect you (well, most of you) and am grateful for the job you do - this question is not to test or annoy you! I've never been in trouble with a bouncer and have been grateful to see them take swift action many...
  17. P

    If bouncers and have a go heroes are allowed to protect, R people allowed to...

    ...defend own family? And property without being arrested in England?
  18. Covert Munkey

    SURVEILLANCE detection

    SURVEILLANCE DETECTION The Problem Defence against concerted attacks by terrorists and criminals on a fixed facility, or key personnel in transit, is often problematic for a number of reasons. Even well trained and equipped guards, a state-of-the-art CCTV system and a good relationship...
  19. M

    close protection iraq

    Anybody here done close protection iraq? Let us know what type, where abouts and how much you got paid!
  20. B

    CP jobs

    There are many reasons why you may want to undertake bodyguard training in order to secure a bodyguard job. For many people, the main reason for working in this industry is because they are almost always guaranteed action in their work, and possibly an element of danger also. However with the...